Language Committee policy statement

This explains the Institute’s policies in respect of qualification for guiding in different languages. There are currently three aspects:
- Academic criteria for language examinations
- Bilingualism
- Use of dictionaries in written examinations
These are described below.
Clients expect the highest level of language ability from Green and Blue Badge Guides. Such ability is part of our quality commitment and an important difference between Institute-qualified guides and others offering such services.
Candidates who successfully complete the Institute’s Green or Blue Badge examinations are qualified to guide in the relevant area in their FIRST LANGUAGE as stated on their registration documentation. If they wish to guide in any other language, they must complete the relevant language examination and may not amend their language declaration made at the start of their course.
If English is not a candidate’s first language, it is strongly recommended that they do not undertake a Blue or Green Badge course unless they have at least a level of English equivalent to IELTS C1 across all four skills of writing, listening, reading and speaking, or hold an undergraduate degree where the course was taught in English, or similar qualification. Their chances of success are greatly diminished if their standard of English is not appropriate to the demands.
The Institute’s written and practical guiding examinations, although conducted in English, are not designed to assess linguistic ability. Non-English speakers are given extra time to complete written papers and may use dictionaries. Similarly, grammatical or pronunciation errors by non-English speakers are not penalised in the practical examinations.