Cambridge Green Badge

Cambridge has trained guides to Blue Badge and Green Badge level since the 1970’s. Training guides to Institute qualifications is still valued by the City Council, Visit Cambridge Destination Management Organisation (DMO) the university and colleges.
Cambridge is a City with some significant heritage, a rich culture and remains a hotbed of world changing discoveries and innovations. With more Nobel Prize winners than any other university, it is steeped in learning. There is much to discover here for visitors and it requires expert guides who are sensitive to the local environment; the university and colleges, being are private institutions, whose who's priority is high level education and research, and not tourism.
Professional guides who have undergone comprehensive professional training on Cambridge and have been tutored in how to provide effective and safe group management, reflects well on the city and achieves the right balance between the needs of visitors and respecting the needs of the City's historically significant colleges.
The university and colleges value the professionalism and expert knowledge of Green Badge guides and require all groups to be accompanied by professionally trained/qualified guides. This allows access to sites that would otherwise be closed to most visitors. The Fitzwilliam Museum, University Library, Parker Library and Development Service have all requested local guides be trained to deliver specialist tours in their sites, again enhancing the visitor experience and widening the visitor offer.
By training guides to Green Badge level we know we are also recruiting ambassadors for the city who are invested in the visitor economy and providing a unique and wonderful experience for those visiting the city.
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